I’ve always loved flashlights. They are an awesome tool that helps you see in the dark. Over the years, this simple device has definitely evolved a lot. I remember owning the giant triple or quadruple D-cell Maglites back in the day. It could even serve double duty as a weapon. Fast forward to today and you have technology that allows you to hold 1000+ lumens in the palm of your hands. Darkness be gone! Read More
This past weekend, I got the opportunity to hike the famous Angel’s Landing trail in Zion National Park. I’ve always wanted to visit Zion and many of the surrounding areas in Utah. This place is gorgeous and photos just don’t do it justice. What stood out to me was the wonderful contrast between the red rocks and dirt against the greenery of the vegetation. The layers on the cliffs were also a wonderful sight to behold. Read More
New website is now LIVE~! So after a long time of procrastinating, I’ve finally updated my old site with a new theme and layout. Still getting the hang of using wordpress but I like it so far. Read More